Train to be a Web Consultant.
Earn up to 10x over any website builder/provider.
Virtually no competition!
How can we make the claim that you, as a trained website consultant, will earn 10 times any fee some web site creator, developer, programmer or any other tech person will is this...
we start with the money first and then the product.
Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott and I've been involved in the whole Internet scene for years; in many of it's varied aspects. But enough about me, let's get to the point, and specifically the answer to the above question.
The business model of most people who offer web design to businesses start with creating websites to make money; they think "websites" first and money second.
We're different. Our emphasis is on making money first and simply using websites as a vehicle to make that money.
That's a really BIG difference!
... and the reason why you'll be joining the fastest growing web solutions team of Market America.
- This means that using what we know and our platforms you will make money (even outside of creating the websites).
- This also means that you don't need to be a web wizard to create a website (and don't think are aren't top notch; very successful firms across the globe benefit from our created web solutions every day).
- However, you do need to act fast, if you want to be one of the first Web Solutions Consultants in your area!
We are seriously looking for 50 individuals to join us in creating a massive organization across the USA (and beyond). This offers truly unlimited potential to anyone interested in presenting web services to small business owners in their area.
CAUTION: If you know how to create a website already, you may not qualify
(because we prefer to train our people from the start).
And, don't be a Chicken. Check this out. We're the real deal. When you request information, you'll get all the details in setting up a Web Solutions Business. Don't fret, to get started is "Chicken feed" compared to starting any other business.
Our business model is that we are Unfranchise Owners with Market America. Our emphasis is the "Web Store" segment of what Market America offers.
To start, our plan is to set up 1 Web Center owner in each state, and then we will help that person to set up just 1 Web Center in at least 5 cities within his or her state. In this way, we can assure proper training to be sure everyone gets every chance to be successful and earn that 10X money I talked about and achieve a work and life balance.
Currently many states are still open. Please contact us right away to see if your state is still open; if not, we will refer you to the person in your state and you may qualify for your city.
Web Center Division **: A full-featured web site platform for your small to medium sized businesses.
Today, successful companies need a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy, but this can be costly, technical, and time-consuming...until now. ma WebCenters® provides a solution for businesses that goes beyond just a website, integrating social media marketing, SEO/SEM, e-mail marketing tools, site statistics, fully functional e-commerce, and an easy-to-use system for maintaining an online presence without requiring special technical skills. All these aspects come together to create a unique, comprehensive Internet marketing solution where your business stands out in a cluttered, noisy marketplace.
Certainly there are details you'll want to know. Express your interest by using the contact form on this page and we'll get back to you and set a time for an educational session.Thanks for reading this.
Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
*Please note. There may already be a Market America representative in your area and they may or may not be promoting the Web Centers. Either way, know that when you are part of our team, you'll get our exclusive training (along with the general training offered by MA).
Interested in building a career in the web design and/or marketing industry? WebSolutions by maWebCenters has teams that you can leverage to conduct sales appointments with your candidates, create website designs, provide customer support and product development. These teams give you flexibility to choose which projects you want to work on yourself and which ones you would like to leverage our teams for. Best yet, we don't outsource any of our work. Everything is done in house within our company, who has been in business for greater than 20 years.
WebSolutions offers several programs to help you delve into this business venture.
1. Internship
Be paired up with an experienced WebCenter Owner and have access to our system and sales team for a period of 90 days.
2. WebCenter Owner
Gain access to a WebCenter, front end website, teams of professionals, products and services, training, support, marketing materials and more
3. WebCenter Pro
Gain access to everything a WebCenter Owner has plus, a fully customizable website, VIP support, Specialized education, cobranded storefronts, cobranded invoicing and more.
When using the "contact form" on this page, please include:
Name *
Email *
Website (If applicable)
I am interested in
WebCenter Intern Program
WebCenter Program
WebCenter Pro Program