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What are these 7 days all about? Discover the 7 most effective strategies and powerful hacks in reaching goals based on latest psychology and behavioral science and learn how to apply them in conquering your own "Mount Everest" through a powerful personal goal achieving system.
Gain focus and live life to the fullest
No matter how long you live, you only have limited time in this world. By setting goals and deciding what’s important and what isn’t, you can focus your life on things that are truly valuable. You will make the most out of your time and have the best chance at living a full life.
Now let’s get with step 3 for today:
#3 Track your time and action
According to a study published on Harvard Business Review, the most significant factor that influences our motivation to reach goals is a sense of seeing the progress. If you look back on any accomplished goal, except for external factors, your achievement is simply the sum of total time you spent and action you took toward reaching that goal. Track your time and your action would be the same as tracking your progress, even though you may not feel you are making real progress. This simple shift in mindset will help you stick to the process and persevere until your goal is accomplished.
So that’s it; TRACK your time and action. Brian Tracy says that the more definite you are in tracking your time the more money you make; for instance, successful people track their time in days or hours, and millionaires track their time in minutes!
Until next time, be sure that you are writing your goals, have a concrete plan for your goals, and track your time and action. When we talk next I’ll share #4 which is all about being accountable.