Would you be a rep for a credit card company with these values and systems???

Become a rep for FFUSA
Free to join* 

Join my team and receive top notch attention and training. See how easy it is to get a very nice residual income with just 5 customers. Yes, that's right; only 5 customers can get you to a very nice monthly passive income. We'll then show you how to gradually build over time to an even more lucrative passive income.

Becoming a rep is completely free (at my site using the Message Me feature and inquire). Yes, it takes some effort but I'll show you very simple ways to approach your local merchants which almost guarantees that they will join with you! Watch these two videos and message me on my site for more details.

1. Watch this brief overview by John and then... 

2. Visit my website and first watch the video about the GIVEBACK PROGRAM. 
AND ... 
3. If this is something you think you might want to share with your local business owners and organizations in your area, use the "Message Me" feature on my site.
I or someone on my team will get back to you shortly. 

That's it. Interested? Visit my site and use the Message Me feature. 

Do you own a business or have an organization 
which would benefit from the GIVE BACK PROGRAM? 
Message me on that and I'll get right back to you. 

Thanks for your time on this page. 
Make it a great day! 
Ter Scott 
Internet B.O.S.S. 

FFUSA  is Free to join as a rep* (if you have qualifications we're looking for 
and your area is still available). 
How many business owners do you know that accepts credit cards; practically all of them right? I’m going to share how with just having 5 business accounts to start can offer you a residual income that could free up a lot of stress from your paying monthly bills and having a lot left over to do what you want like getting a new or better car or take that nice vacation you’ve been putting off.

Before you might think this is a bogus opportunity or something which is “hard” to do, I will share with you that first, I research every opportunity that I present here on Internet B.O.S.S. site to be sure they are legit and many I do myself. This is one that I personally do to create passive income. It works.

The company sets up merchant accounts much differently than any other I’ve seen.
I know the owners of the company and know that they are genuine. As a matter of fact, just recently I was speaking with Chuck about how so many companies which offer credit card services to businesses get them set up and gradually increase their fees. He made an interesting statement and he shares it with our clients (we’re totally transparent). He explains to the client we make money over the long run by getting residuals so it is in our best interest to keep you happy and why then would we jeopardize losing your business by raising the rates, it isn’t worth it. We are a “value added” company.

What intrigued me about the company when I started is their training, hands on coaching, and the easier methods they use to approach merchants about credit card services; waaaaaaaaaaay different than any other merchant services company out there, and there is one more thing which virtually guarantees referrals day after day and year after year.

Be sure to watch the videos above and message me for more details.